
thank you traditional home...

the april issue of traditional home magazine is out and per usual, includes a recap of last year's atlanta symphony orchestra's decorators show house and gardens.  i was so very fortunate to have designed 2 powder baths in the show house dubbed "chateau soleil"!!! and even more honored to have one of those baths included in the magazine!!!  such a big deal and crazy excited!!  i loved that bathroom.  i'll be doing another post about the makings of the room, now that this issue is out!  it was also in atlanta homes & lifestyles, the september issue, when they highlighted the show house!!  so i really am doubly honored!!  here's the link back to that post... the whole show house thing was such a tremendous experience.  i met so many wonderful people, worked my butt off, and got to create rooms that were completely driven by my own creativity!!  what artist doesn't dream of that!!  i also just want to pinch myself for being on the same pages as so many uber talented and seasoned designers!!  i mean, holy crap, my bath photo is in between parker kennedy, melanie turner, and stuart pliner (all of whom i've admired for years!!!). the little blurb about my space is also just under the photo of my major design crush's room, robert brown!!!  the first time i met him, the house manager almost needed to smack me upside the head for the shaking, squealing little teenager meets rock star, that i turned into for a few minutes.  it was kind of amusing and bob (that's what i can call him now cause we're tight like that ;) handled it like the personable, suave, gentleman that he is!!  sigh...

ok, enough of the sap, on to the pictures!

the cover, obviously ;)

the cover, obviously ;)

it really makes me so giddy to see my room in here!!!

it really makes me so giddy to see my room in here!!!

my little blurb right under robert brown's room photo!!!  fabulous!!

my little blurb right under robert brown's room photo!!!  fabulous!!

so there you have it!!  i am proud, i am honored, i am reminiscing about a fantastic experience, i am missing that bathroom like a dope, and i am having an incredible year so far!!!  stick around, cause there are a couple more things coming up that are super duper exciting!!!!!!!!

